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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:21 am
by Centurion
Well - found this place due to a map - went lookin through the map and found this website on the screen of a laptop in the game. My sweetheart and I look to play entertaining maps. From there I went looking for more maps of MPC and enjoyed playing them.
I have always used Centurion as my nick, it was a Korean era Canadian battle tank. I am old enough that Pink Floyd "The Wall" was released when I graduated HS. Dues are not a problem, I have server space for our business, I know what it costs. June to Nov is really busy for us - 7 days a week, Fraggin allows one to take a break. My sweetheart and I play under the same player name - so tactics are a little different sometimes, but in any firefight, I'd rather have her to back me up. Not sure that your looking for more members - but I'l toss our hat in the ring.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:57 am
Thats cool, the more the better, as long as your cool and we all have fun, if you and your sweetheart play, make up a new name for her so we know who is who when we are playing, get to know the mpc members and follow the red link on the left on the homepage and we will go from there. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:18 pm
by Centurion
Yeh-cool is right! Gaming is a place to relax-chill and enjoy some real artwork, and a fast firefight.
Well, you have already been playing both of us, sometimes we'll tagteam the games - switching between rounds. I'll load a second profile and lock it so it defaults to her, simple is easier.
Due to the work/business schedule, we have times during the day that we'll play, or into the evening. Late night is usually me, insomnia, or just a rig that needs fixing. I'll post when I get to a secure connection - this is wireless and not encryted here? Free connection - but!
Must admit that I had fun trying to figure out where some of the gang was hangin out in the maps, but we have been playing against godlike bots to to get a little quicker and integrate a few jumps, And X - that was fun to get chased down by you one night. I had to get thinking quicker to stop being a bullet bag - lol
C :)

Besides - maybe this gives me an excuse to start a new rig? lol

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:49 pm
by FragFaerie
OK - how do we join the game as FragFaerie? Logged out of the MPC as Centurion - created FF - Created FF in our game as a player - So how do we invoke this profile during game play?

BTW - FragFaerie is the evil Cousin of the Canadian Snack Faerie as seen in all those nabisco commercials.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:12 pm
by Centurion
Well-FF is over there happily sending a bunch of bots to animated thereafter. I figure the server is loading my stats profile. Based on that assumption - profile manager? FF noticed that even in instant action that Centurion loaded - so there must be a setting to hit to decide who gets loaded by the game, then handed off to the server?

Away to search topic, C

X - Sorry I didn't stick around - I dropped in to find out who was getting loaded into the game tonight - and work out the questions -

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:30 pm
you cant, you have to go to player and type in the name of the person you wanna be before you join the server, another way is each of you have a seperate player ini, and just replace them when you wanna play.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:05 am
by Centurion
Ok - separate .ini files - thats what I was wondering - I'll sort that out tonight -