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Postby yodaddy » Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:36 pm

I downloaded the demo for cod4. The single player is okay , just trying to get a feel for the game. Anybody have this and play multiplayer? Is it any good? If so I might consider buying it.

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Postby PyroJack » Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:05 pm

well if you're talking of COD Modern Warfare 2, then yes I'm playing it and loving it !!

graphics are awesome the the details in the maps make this feel so real. Plenty of stuff in the environment will react to impact and explosion.

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Postby yodaddy » Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:48 am

I was actually talking abouth the first cod mw , but as long as were on the subject , how is the multiplayer for the new one? With no dedicated servers I can't imagine that it can be all that and a bag of chips.

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Postby thediceman » Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:49 am

On PC or Xbox 360? I have COD mw on xbox its fun!

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Postby THEXFILES » Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:16 am

Does it not have online play? if not it is worthless to me, I like good eye candy games and lots of action but if it is single player only then i get bored with those types of games quick.


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Postby yodaddy » Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:56 am

The new mw2 for pc has been dumbed down to console status. Check this out _Only 18 players ;9-v-9 and no , I repeat NO dedicated servers. The server is dictated by the game. Peer 2 peer only.If the server or someone drops out the game freezes until another joins or is appointed. Also , it was hacked hours after release . I have seen the aimbot and wall hack footage already.So much for infinity wards security. Their setting the stage for downloadable content anyway (pay for play) Single player mode struggles to hold my attention. I prefer a live target.
Now the first one cod4 ,mw , has dedicated servers and there are several running now. Since I'm going to do something stupid and venture out on black friday ,I thought I might pick up cod4 or something new.My tv is dying and 'daddy's hunting for a new flat screen !woohoo!

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Postby MrWright » Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:33 pm

The Kid plays COD 4 & 5 all the time. There are no vehicles that you can drive, but you can call in air support on rare occasions. I think MetalFingers plays too. The game play looks great. The kid downloaded Battlefield Heroes tonight and is giving it a test as I type.

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Postby JJJ13 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:52 pm

The Kid plays COD 4 & 5 all the time. There are no vehicles that you can drive, but you can call in air support on rare occasions. I think MetalFingers plays too. The game play looks great. The kid downloaded Battlefield Heroes tonight and is giving it a test as I type.
I am playing COD MW and COD MW2, COD MW is fantastic, has many mods, huge community...I am playing mostly freeze tag, and gun game(pistols only)...COD MW2 will never have mods, but is a lot of fun and looks great, big community but is random matching of players, unless u are steam friends and invite others to play with you. MW2 has lots of guns and gametypes but its hard to see it staying a constant game for me as long COD MW is still hopping with new mods and new players...COD 4 (MW) IPS....

PSI Freeze Tag -
PSI Gun Game -
PSI Extreme Server -
AMD Athelon 6400 X2 5000+ 2.60GHZ - Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS - 326 GB Hard Drive - 8GB OCZ SDRAM DDR2 800 - EVGA e-GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB SSC Edition - 430 Watt Antec PSU - Logitech TrackBall Mouse - HP Stock Keyboard - Logitech ClearChat Pro Headset

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Postby yodaddy » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:35 pm

Looks like I'll pick up a copy of MW tomorrow. Used to by this time ,as long as it has been out , it would have been in the 20 $ bin. Somebody has wised up , be it wal-mart or the vendors. Stinking thing is still 40 bucks.

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Postby JJJ13 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:35 am

Nice cant wait to see you on there, let me know what kind of game type you're looking for or are into and I can help steer you into that direction, the server list in all games will never match ut2004 in my opinion so I find COD4's server list really backwards and useless. I am partial but freeze tag is super popular and meshes run and gun and sniping really well, at PSI the global chat is up and everyone has a great time, hanging out...I recommend all to give it a try. On a completely different note, anyone getting excited for Battlefield Bad Company 2, looks like if that allows the ability to mod easily, the PC gaming community will gladly jump on board to that game. Even COD clans are looking forward to that due to the lack of dedicated servers in their newest release.
AMD Athelon 6400 X2 5000+ 2.60GHZ - Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS - 326 GB Hard Drive - 8GB OCZ SDRAM DDR2 800 - EVGA e-GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB SSC Edition - 430 Watt Antec PSU - Logitech TrackBall Mouse - HP Stock Keyboard - Logitech ClearChat Pro Headset

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Postby JJJ13 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:36 am

Nice cant wait to see you on there, let me know what kind of game type you're looking for or are into and I can help steer you into that direction, the server list in all games will never match ut2004 in my opinion so I find COD4's server list really backwards and useless. I am partial but freeze tag is super popular and meshes run and gun and sniping really well, at PSI the global chat is up and everyone has a great time, hanging out...I recommend all to give it a try. On a completely different note, anyone getting excited for Battlefield Bad Company 2, looks like if that allows the ability to mod easily, the PC gaming community will gladly jump on board to that game. Even COD clans are looking forward to that due to the lack of dedicated servers in their newest release.
MrWright and Punk hop on and try out the freeze tag server I posted, guaranteed free fun :)
AMD Athelon 6400 X2 5000+ 2.60GHZ - Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS - 326 GB Hard Drive - 8GB OCZ SDRAM DDR2 800 - EVGA e-GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB SSC Edition - 430 Watt Antec PSU - Logitech TrackBall Mouse - HP Stock Keyboard - Logitech ClearChat Pro Headset

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Postby yodaddy » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:54 pm

Any patches I need ? Not counting mods of course.I'm going to be the next few days tearing down an old gigantic entertainment center and carting it off and putting up a new one. I just bought me a new lcd and I'm going to have to remember how I hooked up all my componets lol. I'm also on 7 days the rest of the year so my playing time will probably be sparse until new years unless I catch a lucky break.

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Postby JJJ13 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:48 pm

Any patches I need ? Not counting mods of course.I'm going to be the next few days tearing down an old gigantic entertainment center and carting it off and putting up a new one. I just bought me a new lcd and I'm going to have to remember how I hooked up all my componets lol. I'm also on 7 days the rest of the year so my playing time will probably be sparse until new years unless I catch a lucky break.
For the patches, I recommend downloading all and patching all - in order
AMD Athelon 6400 X2 5000+ 2.60GHZ - Vista Ultimate 64-bit OS - 326 GB Hard Drive - 8GB OCZ SDRAM DDR2 800 - EVGA e-GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB SSC Edition - 430 Watt Antec PSU - Logitech TrackBall Mouse - HP Stock Keyboard - Logitech ClearChat Pro Headset

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